Drop Through Trucks

If your board has drop through trucks, you have 3 options to attach ShredLights to your board:

Standard Mounts fit above AND below the deck. Flat Mounts only fit on top of the deck. A Combo Pack only comes with 4 pairs of skateboard mounts (Standard, Flat, Angled, Extended). 3 buying options below:

  1. Grab a Combo Pack. Place Standard Mounts on your front trucks. Flat Mounts on TOP of deck in the rear.
  2. Grab a Combo Pack. Standard Mounts on TOP of your deck in the front. Flat Mounts on TOP of your deck in the rear.
  3. Grab a Combo Pack AND an extra pair of Standard Mounts. Standard mounts on your front trucks. Standard mounts on your rear trucks. 


A White Two Pack comes with 1 pair of Standard Mounts

A Red Two Pack comes with a pair of Flat Mounts, Angled Mounts, and Extended Mounts

Standard Mounts

Flat Mounts

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